We have listed an overview of sizes and pictures of the meeting rooms:
FAQs about the conference hotel Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg
What types of meeting rooms does Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg offer?
How many people can be accommodated in the meeting rooms at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg?
It is possible to hold smaller meetings from a few people to medium meetings up to a maximum of 40 people per room.
Is there WiFi for conference guests at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg?
The WiFi is free of charge for all conference guests and sufficiently fast with 250mb download.
Are parking facilities available at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg for conference guests?
Here you can get detailed directions.
Free parking is available directly on our property and reservations in advance are not possible. Alternatively, there are hundreds of other free parking spaces in the residential area within a 100 meter radius of the hotel, with no time restrictions and no need for a resident parking permit.
How to book a meeting at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg?
To book a meeting at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg, you can contact the hotel either by phone at +49 911 800 70 or by e-mail : info@landgasthof-gentner.de.
Alternatively, you can also fill out the booking form on our official website.
Gibt es im Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nürnberg Möglichkeiten für Übernachtungen von Tagungsgästen?
Im Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nürnberg gibt es Möglichkeiten für Übernachtungen von Tagungsgästen. Das Hotel verfügt über verschiedene Zimmerkategorien, die für Übernachtungen genutzt werden können. Zusätzlich bietet das Hotel spezielle Tagungspakete an, die Übernachtungen und Verpflegung während der Tagung beinhalten.
What are other customers' experiences with conferences at Landgasthof Hotel Gentner in Nuremberg?
In our reviews we do not only ask conference guests, but all our dear guests, even if you have not held a conference or business meeting with us. The important thing is that they were definitely and verified with us.
We do not like to praise ourselves, so we refer to the collected data of the provider TrustYou, which is also trusted by Google itself.
Can I reach the conference hotel by freeway?
Due to the ideal location at the freeway junction Nuremberg South, we are perfectly connected from Nuremberg and the surrounding area in all directions. In addition to the A6 and A73, the A9 and A3 freeways also meet here, guaranteeing the best possible accessibility by car so that you and your conference participants can quickly find your way to your conference hotel Gentner.
FAQ concerning charging of your electric vehicle (EV)
Depending on how you charge, there might be blocking fees.
If you charge through your charging card network, they will apply their own rates and their own blocking charges. It is important to note, that we, as the Landgasthof Hotel Gentner, never charge blocking charges. We place a high-value on the mobility and availability of free parking spaces for our guests as we know that our dear guests value convenience and individual transportation.
These blocking charges are solely charged by your network and 100% of the profit goes to your network.
If you charge directly through us (by QR-Code), there are no blocking charges.
How can I charge my car?
There are 2 options to charging your car:
- compatible charging card for the popular German networks
- credit card – scanning the QR code
How many charging stations does the Landgasthof Hotel Gentner have?
We have 3 electric vehicle charging stations at our hotel. They deliver power up to 22 KW/h (A/C).
How will I receive an invoice?
Depending on the option of charging you have chosen, either:
- through your charging card provider
- by e-mail which you provide after scanning the QR-code